A Thousand Words A Day

A writing journal _____________________________ PROFESSORBLOG@HOTMAIL.COM

writing: _ Christian Writers _ _ NaNo _

reading: _LibraryThing_ _ BookCrossing _ _ My local library _ _ Another nearby library _

blogs: _ Lorie Rees_ _Itinerant Iconoclast_ _ Rita's Ravings _
My Photo
Location: Columbus, Ohio, United States

Reader, writer, podcast listener, and TV watcher. And real nice guy.

Monday, January 23, 2006

I Might Be "Famous"

So I was working in Nursery at church last weekend, and introduced myself to my co-worker. She looked my name tag and asked, "Are you famous?"

Flummoxed, I shook my head slowly, and shrugged.

The Nursery supervisor, who had overheard this exchange, piped up. "He wrote the first devotional in the Advent book."

My co-worker smiled and nodded. "I only read the first few, but they were really good. That's probably where I recognize your name from."

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Writing Group -- Jan

Good meeting -- we talked about "the art of critique." Lorie has plans of beginning in Feb a year-long theme related to "story." Should be interesting.

Am going to email back and forth with Kim & Kerry about which of my Projects-In-Process they are going to read for me. We also agreed to start meeting, the 3 of us, about 30 minutes before the regular group, for discussion and crit exchange.

Friday, January 13, 2006

2006 Writing Plans

* Complete re-write of "Wanted," a novel manuscript I finished 12/2000, having received crits in 2005 from my top two writing buddies. The ultimate goal is to have this in shape to take it to a writing conference in 2007.

* Read and respond to each and every thing I get from my top two writing bussies.

* Finish 2005 NANO ("C U L8R"), 2003 NANO ("Nowhere Man") or 2002 NANO ("Soulmates") -- Need to choose one soon

* If above is accomplished (and only IF), try 2006 NANO -- maybe by "cheating" and using the month to finish something off . . .

* Attend >= 10 writers group meetings

* Read 1 writing book and every issue of both The Writer and Writer's Digest

* Write at least 5 micro-stories for the "Fifty Words" group in LiveJournal

* Enter at least 1 of the 4 "The First Line" quarterly contests

* Submit for Lenten and/or Advent devotionals at church

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Reviewing the 2005 Writing Goals

* Complete re-write of "Wanted," a novel manuscript I finished 12/2000, currently under complete review by 2 friends, with 2 others looking at pieces and parts of it (did not happen, but I got the reviews from Kim & Kerry. ROLLED OVER TO 2006)

* Finish 2003 NANO ("Nowhere Man") or 2002 NANO ("Soulmates") (ROLLED OVER TO 2006)

* If above is accomplished (and only IF), try 2005 NANO (Tried, CUL8R, got about 22K in before a family thing happened)

* Attend >= 18 writing group meetings (20)

* Attend >= 4 poetry-related events (5; turns out to not really be my thing)

* Read >= 3 writing books (yes)

* Write at least 10 mini-stories from my writing group "Drabble" prompts (only did 2, but they stopped after about 5 or so)

* Write at least 10 micro-stories for the "Fifty Words" group in LiveJournal (5; sort of forgot by about June)

* Enter at least 1 of the 4 "The First Line" quarterly contests (NOPE; short stories fell too far down the list, but I want to tackle this some day)

* Submit for Lenten and/or Advent devotionals at church (missed deadline for Lent, wrote for and was accepted for Advent devotional)